

Polish labour market is getting more and more open towards handicapped persons. A lot of work still needs to be done, because currently only 20% of them are employed. What could solve the problem is the development of business service centers.

- More and more companies use outsourcing day by day. Business service centers have been functioning well on the Polish market for a long time now, but recently they've become a real chance for people who have been jobless for a long time, or who simply want to enter the labor market. Work comfort is especially important for handicapped persons. Open space, regular contact with other people and elastic employment conditions really help to break the barriers and gain experience - says Cezary Lewinski, Managing Director of Sales Concept S.A. - a company managing several business centers in Poland.

Employment rate among people in productive age in Poland is rising every year and currently is 22,4%. In the EU countries the rate is 47%, though. Social campaigns and governmental practices contribute to improving the situation and breaking the barriers.

- Thanks to those practices, employers finally begin to think of employing handicapped persons as fair less problematic than it seems. What is more, they realize what a valuable employee they can gain. When it comes to handicapped persons themselves, they become aware of the advantages of entering job market and they feel eager to improve their qualifications. We know all this, because we also increase employment of disabled persons in our company. - says Karolina Serwańska, President of Spółdzielnia Socjalna Giełda Pracy - a company which activates disabled persons and people who have a difficult situation on the job market.

Foundations and associations may help, but specialized employment agencies also contribute to improving the job market situation. They can prepare the candidates before job interview and help them find the best job offer, basing on their qualifications and expectations.

- It's highly important to get to know the aspirations and qualifications of a person wanting to get a job. It often comes up during the talk, that such person is eligible of taking up a job they never thought they could do. Sometimes, additional training is necessary but our experts take care of this. - explains Jarosław Witkowski, Managing Director of A-trybut - Polski HR - an agency specialized in recruiting disabled persons.

The awareness of the advantages of employing handicapped persons is rising among Polish employers. They get a valuable and loyal employee with high qualifications. - When recruiting for a contact center, the most important condition for the candidates are interpersonal skills such as being open to engaging in new contacts. It doesn't mean that the new employee becomes a great negotiator straight ahead - it takes practice and training. Our company currently employs 60 disabled persons. Many of them gained a lot of self-confidence and determination. They became open towards meeting new people. This year we plan to hire 300 more people, of which at least 100 will be disabled persons. - says Cezary Lewiński.



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